Friday, December 31, 2010

=) 29

Day 29 - make a list of 50 reasons to be happy daily.

What a great post for New Years Eve!

1 - God.  How blessed am I?  All of us really, that we have a God who loves and cares for us SO much that He would sacrifice His only son for our salvation?
2 - Ali.  It amazes me to see how mature, humble, fun-loving and good-natured my baby sister has grown to be!
3 - Shana.  Despite our differences, and years of feuding, I am glad to call my big sister, friend.
4 - Nathan.  I seriously have the BEST big brother.  He is awesome.  You should all be jealous.
5 - Adam.  I am so blessed to have him in my life.  I've never been so happy and in love.
6 - Mason.  Cutest nephew EVER!
7 - Mum.  My mother is my lifeline.  I could not survive without her.
8 - Dad.  Always a firm hand, he has taught me so many of lifes tough lessons.
9 - Kristin.  I don't know where I'd be without her.  Literally.  I definitely wouldn't be in Florida!
10 - Christie.  I love her more than the cast of Jershey Shore love GTL
11 - Rich.  Couldn't have picked a better mate for my sister.  Or a better father for my nephew.
12 - Desiree.  She is a solid rock.  I am amazed at her ability to cling to God no matter what is thrown her way.
13 - Rachel.  Always there to put a smile on my face...and make work a little more bearable.
14 - Britney.  Always there to land a helping hand.
15 - Margaret.  My Wifey.  She is a beautiful person inside and out.
16 - Joe.  Or wbf.  He never ceases to crack me up.
17 - Tori.  Tor-Tor.  We have so much fun together.
18 - Mitko.  He does a great job of keeping me entertained at work.  Lets watch the Flintstones Christmas Special!  Again!
19 - Jasmine.  I miss seeing your face...but when I do, it makes me smile!
20 - Michael.  My birthday buddy.  Even though our friendship has felt quite strained the last few months, I still consider him to be one of my nearest and dearest friends.
21 - Cassie.  LOVE this girl!!!  Come back to Florida NOW!  I miss you already!
22 - Sneha.  Even though we haven't spoken in awhile...we have been through so much and I will ALWAYS be there for her.
23 - Heather.  One of the most fun people I've ever met!  Wish I drove so we could hang out more!
24 - Ashley.  She makes church that much more fun.  I'm so glad we became friends.
25 - Jeremiah, Leah, Ethan & Nate.  I'm so sad they have moved.  This family holds a special place in my heart.
26 - Blaine, Alexis. Beckett, Graham & Gatlin.  From helping with production, to chasing around the little ones, to heartfelt talks.  This is one awesoime family.
27 - Shelya & Brian.  i have so much fun with you guys.  Still think their kids are rentals though....
28 - Joe & Jen.  Their hospitality amazes me.  They are a riot and some of the most genuine people I have ever met.
29 - David.  Always providing me with new insight and reading material.  He is truly a man after Gods own heart.
30 - Tito.  One of the nicest men I have ever met.  You are a true blessing to everyone you meet.
31 - JP.  This guy is a riot.  So talented.  So loving.  So warm.  If you don't know him, you're missing out.
32 - Dana, Pru, Brand-o, Alysser, Kristy, Brandon & Anthony.  I love our yearly get togethers.  Seriously the best vacations I've ever had.
33 - all of my other amazing friends.  I'm so blessed to be surrounded with such awesome people!
34 - all of my extended family.  There are too many too name...but know that I love you all!
35 - freah air
36 - chocolate
37 - electricity
38 - clothes on my back
39 - food in my belly
40 - shoes on my feet
41 - a roof over my head
42 - a positive balance in my bank account
43 - netflix
44 - my wii
45 - wine
46 - a beautiful view from my backyard
47 - a job to pay the bills
48 - a career I love
49 - joyous music
50 - salvation

What makes you happy on a daily basis?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

=) 28

Day 28 - post something you dream about.

I dream about a lot of things.  I'm guessing this means an aspiration opposed to a sleep dream.  I dream of being married.  I dream of having a family.  I dream of owning my own spa.

That third dream has only recently been in my head...the last year or so.  I've learned so much from the spa I work at now...of what NOT to do.  I now have such specific details of how I want things to be run, how I DON'T want things to be run, the floorplan, the set-up of each room, what will be expected of the staff and of the LMTs, the decor...pretty much everything.

My spa will run efficiently.  My spa will be serene.  My spa will offer jazzy water in the lounge.  My spa will be a quiet getaway.  My spa will employ, and contract, only positive professionals.  My spa will be a happy place for EVERYONE who sets foot in the door...clients, employees and therapists alike.

I don't know when or if this dream will become reality...but it sure is fun to imagine!  For now, I will focus on the small business I have just begun.  Check out my site and recommend me to your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors...that guy that you just passed in the me to make my dream a reality!

What is your dream?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

=) 27

Day 27 - a picture of a heart, smiley face, peace sign, or any other symbol of happiness.

My brother will like this one...

These are cookies from Eat 'N Park in Grove City, Pennsylvania.  Nathan went to Grove City College his freshman year and became OBSESSED with these smiley cookies. They are SO delicious!

He would bring us some whenever he came home for a weekend, and he always makes sure to get some whenever he's in the area.  He has even taken to ordering them online now.

These cookies are every bit as delicous as they are cute!  Wish I had one now!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

=) 26

Day 26 - promote a blog that makes you happy

Just one?  I have several blogs that I follow, but I guess the one I most look forward to reading would have to be....Frolicking Flamingo.

FF is hilarious!  Her tales are witty, capticating and yours truly occasionally gets mentioned.  What more could you want in a blog?  FF truly has a way of drawing the reader in and leaving you wanting more...whether she's blogging about her adventures in parenting, geocaching, gator tales or her new sewage system.  Frolicking Flamingo is a must read!

If you're as much of a blog junkie as I am, here are a few others I follow...

Don't Look Back
The Avid Appetite
Reflections of Christ
Keeping Up with Kristi
Through this Lens
Ready or Not
It's a Dogs Life

What blog(s) make you happy?

Monday, December 27, 2010

=) 25

Day 25 - post a sticky note or sign somewhere with a nice message

Sunday, December 26, 2010

=) 24

Day 24 - dedicate a post to someone, telling them what you think of them


You can't read yet, but I am going to dedicate this post to you.  At only 5 1/2 months, you have stolen my heart.  Your infectious little laughter actually made me question living so far away from the rest of the family for a moment. 

You are so smart!   Grabbing at things and reacting to everything around you.  I don't even mind when you pull my hair...I don't really appreciate you trying to eat it...but I'll let you get away with it just because you're oh so cute!

You are such a sweet little boy. I love to hear you giggle and squeal, whether it's from Mommys kisses or Auntie Ali bouncing you or Daddy talking to you or Uncle Nathan singing little Bunny Foo Foo or playing peek-a-boo with me.

You are so good for the camera.  You look right at it...most of the time....and give us the most adorable little expressions.  You're cute no matter what face you make.  You're so good laying still or sitting with one of your Aunties or Uncles or Grammy or Poppa (when he's not trying to squeeze you.). 

You're so responsive.  You love to watch Uncle Nathan being silly and you always perk right up whenever you hear Mommys voice. 

I can't wait to see you grow up.  I'm so proud to be your Aunt.  I know God has great things in store for you.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

=) 23

Day 23 - an activity you find fun

There are a lot of activities I find fun!  Karaoke, Wii, scrapbooking, dancing...just to name a few.  I really enjoy doing arts and crafts.  Anything that allows me to be creative.  This year for Christmas, I made prayer boxes for everyones stockings.

This was my work station.  I had so much fun painting all the boxes and picking out the bible verses.  I couldn't wait to see everyone open them this morning!

Friday, December 24, 2010

=) 22

Day 22 - a picture that gives you hope

It's Christmas eve, so perhaps I should have posted a picture of the nativity, but I just love the crosses on calvary.  To some it may seem morose, but to me this is the ultimate picture of hope.
It is because Jesus was born, died and rose again, that I can live.  Smile.  Hope.  
Without this sacrifice, I have no hope.  I am a sinner.  Perpetually.  It is because of HIm that I am forgiven.  He was persecuted so I may live free.  He was tortued so I could experience mercy.

I am able to hope because of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  What gives you hope?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

=) 21

Day 21 - a picture of the last time you were happy

This is me (trying to) sing my nephew to sleep about an hour ago.  

Todays post called for me to post a picture of the last time I was happy.  Well, I'm happy right now (despite the fact that Mason has woken back up and is now crying...but it's Ali's turn to hold him.) 

I'm in Jersey right now.  Not my favorite place in the world, but it's always good to be home for the holidays and I get to spend some time with that adorable little man.

I have an amazing boyfriend who truly makes me happy.  We may have our disagreements from time to time, but I love him more than I can possibly express.

I'm pursuing my dreams career wise.  I may be off to a slow start, but I have faith that this is what I'm being called to do.  I will perservere.

I have amazing friends and family who I wouldn't trade for the world.   They are there for me when I want to laugh, when I need to cry, and for all the moments inbetween.

I have a God who is more miraculous, more generous, more merciful, than I can possibly fathom.  With Him on my side there's nothing I can't do.  What more do I need?

What makes you happy?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

=) 20

Day 20 - define happiness in your own words
Happiness is being content with what you have.
Happiness is being grateful.

Happiness is acceptance.  
Happiness is grace.
Happiness is basking in the glory of God. 
Happiness is love.  
Happiness is mercy.  
Happiness is feeling the sun shine on your face.  
Happiness is a warm embrace.  
Happiness is a great cup of coffee.  
Happiness is curling up with a good book.  
Happiness is talking over wine with the bestie.  
Happiness is being silly with good friends.  
Happiness is a tender kiss from the one you love.  
Happiness is relishing in the word of God.  
Happiness is a sappy movie.
Happiness is really good chocolate.
Happiness is a new pair of heels.  
Happiness is a warm summer breeze.  
Happiness is a babys laughter.  
Happiness is accomplishment.  
Happiness is a lazy day.  
Happiness is catching up with a good friend.  
Happiness is a home-cooked meal.  
Happiness is creativity.  
Happiness is memories. 
Happiness is hope. 
Happiness is Jesus.  
Happiness is a choice.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

=) 19

Day 19 - something you found when searching 'love' on tumblr

Sooo apparently tumblr isn't working  I have been trying all day to no avail.  I will attempt again at some point...but for now...sorry!  I'm in a foul mood anyway so I'm sure this wouldn't be a very 'happy' post.

Monday, December 20, 2010

=) 18

Day 18 - something on your dash that makes you happy

Ummm...I don't really know what this means.  I think it may be referring to something on tumblr, since that's where I ' borrowed' this 30 days of Happiness from.  BUT, I don't use tumblr...I use blogger...and my blogger dashboard just has a list of the blogs I follow...all of which make me happy...that's why I follow them!  So I could use today to plug all the blogs I follow...although, there is a day coming up where that is precisely what is asked of me.  So, instead, I will write about something on my homepage that makes me happy!

I use igoogle as my homepage.  I have a daily bible verse on there...which is really just random bible verses because anytime you go back to the page or refresh it, it's a new verse.  Anyways, the bible verse it's displaying right now is Proverbs 10.9 - The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.

How true is that?  When you are living righteously, walking in Gods light, doing what you know in your heart is just and right, you are able to hold your head up high and walk proudly.  But when you are going against Gods will for you and you are doing things you know you shouldn't be, or are purposefully going down the wrong path, you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and tend to try to hide in the shadows.  I know that doing Gods will is not always the popular route and, more often than not, it's the road less traveled...but knowing that God is on your side is an exemplary feeling!  You couldn't have a better provider, a better protector, a better friend!  If God is for you, than what could ever stop you? 

Our God is an awesome God.  So long as you stay on His path, you can walk securely with your head held high.  That notion definitely makes me happy, how about you?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

=) 17

Day 17 - what inspires you?

Lots of things inspire.  When I'm in a great (and receptive) mood, just about everything inspires me.  I don't think I can pick just one I'll pick two!

My Mum

She is just an amazing woman.  She is optomistic.  She is loving.  She is invested in all the people around her.  She has a strong faith.  She embodies inner beauty.  She has gone through a lot in her life and she always seems to come out on the sunny side.  She inspires me to be positive, strong, live in my faith, stay firm in my decisions, thoughtful, empathetic and so much more.  If I live to be half the woman my mother is, I will count myself lucky.  Love you Oke-san!


Her faith truly inspires me.  No matter what adversity she's facing, she always turns to the only One who can truly help her. Jesus.  She keeps me in line.  She holds me accountable.  She paints a bright picture while still being realistic.  She trust wholly in th Lord and lives everyday for Him.  She is a faithful servant to Him and a loyal friend.  She hold fast to her beliefs and convictions.  She strives to be who God intends for her to be and to follow fully in His will.  I am lucky to have you in my life, Des.  You are an inspiration and an amazing friend!  Thank you for being you!

I am truly blessed have both of these women in my life.  Who/what inspires you?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

=) 16

Day 16 - what was the happiest day of your life?

Hmmm...this is quite a thought-provoking one.  I've had a lot of happy days, but I don't know if any one day really stands out far and above the rest. I guess I'll go with....the day I passed the Florida Massage Boards.

That was an exhilarating feeling. One of joy, accomplishment, relief and pride. It marked the end of my schooling (for now), the end of working dead-end jobs, the end of my life as a bartender (although I hadn't bartended in several months).  It was the beginning of the rest of my life.  The start of my career.  Of a purpose-driven work life.

I know that massage is my calling.  I don't know why God placed me on this career track.  I only know it's what I was meant to do.  I can't wait to see where it takes me.

Friday, December 17, 2010

=) 15

Day 15 - a TV show that makes you smile

This one's a no-brainer.  Gotta go with my all-time favorite show, Friends!  Anyone who knows me well, knows how much I love this show.  I have all ten seasons on dvd and a board game to with it...although, I've only convinced one person to play it with me.  Ever. 

Friends is funny, relatable yet outlandish, and just pure amusement.  No matter how many times I've seen an episode, I still find myself laughing out loud at nearly every one!  If any of you ever wants to have a Friends party, let me know!  I'll host!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

=) 14

Day 14 - a convo that makes you happy (from a movie, chat or whatever)

Tonight I had a date with my best friend, Kristin.  That always makes me happy.  We had some sushi, some wine and some much needed catch up time.  It wasn't what was said, or what we were talking about, or this specific conversation that made me was just talking to her.  We have been friends for a better part of a decade, lived together for over 4 years, moved to Florida together...and have been through ALOT together.  Unfortunately, we don't see eachother as much as we'd like.  It's hard syncing up our schedules...lawyers and massage therapists don't generally run on the the same time table.  It's great when we do get together, just the two of us.  Hopefully, we will both make an effort to hang out more often.  I had a great time and I'm so happy to have her in my life.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

=) 13

Day 13 - a movie that makes you happy

If you've never seen How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, I highly recommend it!  It is one of my all-time favorite movies.  I love Kate Hudson.  She is a stellar actress.   Just like her mom.  =)   I'm also a huge fan of Matthew McConaughey.  He's a great actor...and not too bad on the eyes! 

I've watched this movie so much, I'm surprised my dvd still runs properly.  It is a great mix of romance and comedy.  A great chick flick but still enough substance to keep a guy entertained.  It's made me laugh.  It's made me cry.  It's made me wistful.  It's made me hopeful.  

And it has definitely made me smile.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

=) 12

Day 12 - a description or picture of someone who makes you smile.

God-fearing. Sweet.  Conservative.  Quiet.  Thrifty.  Handsome.  Talented.  Cuddly.  Warm.  Caring.  Chivalrous.  Christ-loving.  Intelligent.  Athletic. Witty.  Fun.  Silly.  Kind.  Gentle.  Head-strong.  

Loving. Competitive. Funny. Serious. Dashing. Attractive. Strong. Shy. Playful. Hardworker. Political. Animal-loving. Humble. Willfull. Reserved. Bible-reading. Kid-loving. Church-going.  Protective.  Nature-loving.  Frugal. 

Active.  Aware. Clever. Giving. Polite.  Dapper. Family-oriented. Good-natured. Religious. Guitarist. Singer. Invested. Soulful. Attentive. Guarded. Beloved. Considerate. Astute. Courteous. Economical. Comical. Interesting. Deep. Faithful. Active. Lively. Fiery. Fashionable. Suave.

I didn't have to think very long or hard to decide who I would write about today. I have an amazing boyfriend who embodies all the words I described above. I feel so blessed to have Adam in my life. I can't help but smile when I reflect on the last year (...and one month and 3 weeks).

He makes me feel like a princess.  He still opens up doors for me...something that I have now become so accustomed to that I have actually stood in front of a car door with other people expecting it to miraculously open for me.  He makes me laugh...not a hard task, but heart-warming all the same.

He makes me feel secure.  Protected.  Safe.  Special.  Loved.  There is no better feeling than when he has his arms wrapped around me.  The rest of the world completely disappears in those moments.  I have no fears.  I have no stress.  I have no worries.  I only have hope.  Love.  Comfort.

I can't wait to see what God has in store for both of a couple and individually.  I don't know what it will be, but I know it will be great. 

I love you A-pop.

Monday, December 13, 2010

=) 11

Day 11 - a story of something that made you happy today

Hmmm...this may be a toughie.  Today wasn't necessarily a bad day...but not a great one either.  It was just...a day.

My houseguests went back to NY - bittersweet.  I enjoy having my house to myself but it was a super short visit and I really don't feel like I got to spend any time with Cassie.  I went to work - lackluster.  As much as I love my career, I really really REALLY don't like my job.  It was freezing today and ridiculously windy  - annoyed.  I do not enjoy being cold.  I came home and took a nap - tired.  A power nap just didn't energize the way I had hoped it would.  Watched TV and worked on Masons (my nephew) chrisrmas present - frustrated.  Apparently I need a new iron to do the next step.  And now, I am laying in bed trying to come up with something for this blog.

On the other hand, I worked on one of my favorite clients today.  She always brightens my mood.  I also did a hot stone - my favorite modality to do - and that client was such a delight.  He had such a positive disposition and we had a great talk throughout the massage.  I worked on Masons christmas gift - I know, I listed that already, but I can't wait to finish it and see my sister use it.

So that was pretty much my day today.  Not great, not bad.  Nothing to complain about.  No particular stories that made me happy.  Maybe I'll revisit this blog topic another day.  What made you happy today?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

=) 10

Day 10 - a youtube video that makes you happy

Okay, this one was easy.  Watching (hearing) my boyfriend sing and play guitar makes me happy (swoon), so a youtube video of him doing just that is the clear winner.

It's an acoustic cover of Something Beautiful by Needtobreathe.  The quality isn't great (he's in the process of getting a new mic), but the song is one of my favorites and Adam sounds great!

Keep an eye on his youtube!  He's constantly learning new songs and looking for the best ones to showcase his God-given talent.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

=) 9

Day 9 - a site that makes you happy

I'm going to go the self-promotion route with this one.  ;-P

The site that makes me happy is my business website

I just launched Rejuvenating Touch a little less than a month ago.  It's a massage company specializing in Corporate Chair Massage, Spa Parties and Sports Massage.

I am blessed with great, supportive, helpful friends and family.  A good friend in Colorado, Brandon, put together my website and hosts it.  I am really excited about what God has in store for me with Rejuvenating Touch.

Check out my website and let me know what you think!

Friday, December 10, 2010

=) 8

Day 8 - something you found when searching 'happiness' on tumblr

On a blog called 'A laugh is a smile that bursts :)' by blogger charl21, I found this inspiring picture/quote.

With the simple caption - 'happiness.'  I think I'll go spray some happiness today.  How about you?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

=) 7

 Day 7 - something you found while searching 'smile' on tumblr

From blogger 'jevouspromets' (translation: I promise you)  on a blog entitled 'Non, je ne regrette rien' (translation: no, I regret nothing), I found this picture.

With this simple caption '[[[[[[[[:'.  It was enough to make me smile, how about you?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

=) 6

Day 6 - a picture of someone famous smiling.

This is Kevin Max, Toby McKeehan and Michael Tait of dc Talk.

Initially, I was going to post just a picture of Toby Mac, but I couldn't find a solo pic of him smiling.  How weird...

Anyways, although they disbanded almost a decade ago, all 3 are still making music.  Kevin Max has a solo career...although I don't know too much about that...I'm not really a fan of his solo stuff.  Tait is now the frontman for Newsboys...or as I like to call them, Newstalk.  Toby Mac has had a very successful career as a solo artist.  I am a HUGE fan!  He is a great entertainer.  If you're not already a fan, I highly recommend you check him out!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

=) 5

Day 5 - a song that makes you smile

Can I reuse my post from day 2??

Okay, fine.  I won't be lazy.

I love music and there are a plethora of songs that make me smile.  Some because they're fun to sing (Fly Away by FFH).  Some because they're fun to dance to (Just Dance by Lady GaGa).  Some because they're just so beautiful (Oh Love by Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley).  Some because they're funny (pretty much all the Veggie Tales Silly Songs).  And some because of the memories or the people they remind me of.

I think that's where I'll go with this post.

But which song, which memory, to choose?

I think I'll go wayyy back with my Mum.  My Mum is very silly at times.  She loves to joke around and play with us and it was no different when we were growing up.  She had two methods of waking us up in the morning.  One was to shake us and repeatedly tell us to get up or ask if we're awake...I was NOT a fan of this method!  The other way was much more pleasant.  She would burst into our rooms, switch on the lights or open the blinds, flip back our covers, and start singing this song.

Good Morning!  Good Morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning!  Good morning!
And how do you do?
Good morning!  Good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning little Lauren!
And how do you do? 

Of course, she would substitute the name of whoever she was waking.  While it was still an abrupt way to wake up,  you couldn't help but smile and laugh right along with her.  

I was going to call my Mum and have her sing it so I could record it and post it for you all to hear, but she is in Canada for the week.  Maybe I'll add it in when she gets back.  Until then, you'll just have to imagine.  =)

Monday, December 6, 2010

=) 4

Day 4 - a picture to make someone else smile.

Todays happiness task rose several questions...
...Do I have to pick a specific person?  Or am I trying to bring smiles to the masses?
...Am I limited to one picture?  Or can I use multiple pictures to reach multiple people?
...What kind of smile am I trying to elicit?  A smirk?  A boisterous laugh?  A chesire grin?

Decisions, decisions...

I think I'll go with...(drumroll please!) picture for one person to elicit some belly shaking, tear streaming, air gasping laughter.
Cassie, this one's for you!  Any residual smiles this may cause will simply be a smile bonus!  =)

This picture was taken September of last year.  My good friend, Cassie was visiting from upstate NY.  I was having a housewarming party the next day and was making cupcakes.  Not wanting to be a bad host, I had to find a way to entertain my dear 4 o'clock in the morning.

We had already pulled the costume box down...Cassies birthday was that week, she needed a we decided to have an impromptu photo shoot.  That was such a fun night!  This picture was the 1st (and tamest) of the night.

Can't wait to see you and be silly with you again!  3 days!  Love and miss you!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

=) 3

Day 3 - a text that you saved because it made you smile.

This one was slightly difficult...mainly because I just got a new phone. But I actually only had to go through 2 text conversations before I found one that instantly made me smile.

It was from one of my closest friends and old roommate, Lauren.  Yes, we have the same name.  Yes, it was confusing at times...we mostly went by H and Z.  We also used to work together...before we lived together, not during that Houlihans in Carrollwood.  Which is, unfortunately, no longer there.  It is, by far, both of our favorite restaurant.  Too bad the nearest one is on Orlando, and they have 4!  So not fair!  But I digress.

Last week I received this text with picture from my dear friend.

This is the place I met you about 6 yrs ago! So thankful for a friend like you in my life!! Loveeeeee you!!! Xoxo

That definitely brought a big smile to my face when I received it and again now.  Thank you H!!  I am blessed  to have you in my life.  You are an amazing woman and I am so proud of all that you are doing.  I know God has big things in store for you and your family and I cannot wait to see!!  I love you too!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

=) 2

Day 2 : a quote that makes you smile.

"Smilers never lose and frowners never win"

From the song Open Up Your Heart.  It was one of my favorites as a child and that song always makes me smile.

This one was hard though.  Firstly, there are so many different quotes to choose from.  And while many can bring a smile to my face, it really depends on my mood when I hear/read it.  Secondly, I'm not in a great mood this afternoon, so a lot of things that would normally make me smile just aren't doing it today.  I can honestly say that this song still does. =)

Friday, December 3, 2010

=) 1

day 1 - post a picture of yourself smiling

This is one of my favorite pictures of all time.  it is with my brother-in-law, Rich, at his and Shana Elizas wedding.  It was an awesome day...beautiful reception (and after party!).  It was so nice to have (most) of my extended family in one place.  And although we all aready felt that Rich was one of the family, it was great to officially welcome him.

30 Days of Happiness

I haven't posted in quite some time...slacker, I know.  I still have yet to post the rest of the LIWD posts, but, alas, they are on my computer and I do not have internet access.  =(  Lucky for all my avid blog followers (aka Mum and Des), I can now post from my AWESOME new blackberry torch!

For my return to blogging, I've decided to do a 30 day commitment.  I 'borrowed' this from another blog.  It's 30 days of happiness posts.  Hope you enjoy!

1- A Picture of you smiling
2- A Quote that makes you smile
3- A Text that you saved because it made you smile
4- A Picture you think will make someone else smile
5- A Song or Song Lyrics that make you smile
6- A Picture of someone famous smiling
7- Something you found when searching “Smile” on Tumblr.
8- Something you found when searching “Happiness” on Tumblr.
9- A Site that makes you happy.
10- A Youtube Video that makes you happy.
11- A Story of something that made you happy this day.
12- A Description or Picture of someone who makes you happy.
13- A Movie that makes you happy.
14- A Convo that makes you happy (from a movie or chat or whatever)
15- A T.V. Show that makes you smile
16- Tell about the happiest day of your life.
17- What Inspires you?
18- Something on your Dash that makes you happy
19- Something you found when searching “Love” on Tumblr.
20- Define Happiness in your own words
21- A Picture of the last time you were happy.
22- A Picture that gives you hope
23- An Activity you find fun
24- Dedicate a post to someone telling them what you think about them (positive things)
25- Post a stickey note or sign somewhere with a nice message. (take a picture and post it)
26- Promote a blog that makes you happy
27- A Picture of a heart, smiley face, peace sign, or any other symbol of happiness.
28- Post something that you dream about.
29- Make a list of 50 reasons to be happy daily.
30- Reflect on the past