I am not riding the bus, or sitting at a bus stop, waiting for Prince Charming to come along and sweep me off my feet.
Don't get me wrong here, I am open to chatting with my fellow commuters and/or the bus driver. My headphones are always low enough that I can hear what's going on around me.

Telling me that I'm pretty and look 18 and then proceeding to say you're in your late 40s is just creepy. If you thought I was that young, why on earth are you hitting on me?? You'd be old enough to be my father!
Asking me if I'm available and then, after I say no, asking if you can have my phone number is just plain disrespectful. Would you want to date someone who gives out their number to random strangers within 2 minutes of meeting them? I wouldn't!

I am merely speaking out against the creepers. The ones who ogle anyone with 2 x chromosomes. The ones, who after you politely answer whatever question it is they had, then turn away and put headphones in, continue you to tap you on your shoulder and ask about your personal life. The ones who feel it is within their right to tell you they're a better match for you then the one you're with...even though they have yet to learn your name.
I'm not exactly sure why, but this blog totally made me think of a song by one of my fave bands (Everclear) called "Unemployed Boyfriend". If you ever have a moment, see if you can find the track to listen to. I know that it's almost the exact opposite of what your saying here, but it's still a pretty good song.