Friday, December 17, 2010

=) 15

Day 15 - a TV show that makes you smile

This one's a no-brainer.  Gotta go with my all-time favorite show, Friends!  Anyone who knows me well, knows how much I love this show.  I have all ten seasons on dvd and a board game to with it...although, I've only convinced one person to play it with me.  Ever. 

Friends is funny, relatable yet outlandish, and just pure amusement.  No matter how many times I've seen an episode, I still find myself laughing out loud at nearly every one!  If any of you ever wants to have a Friends party, let me know!  I'll host!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, you should have brought that game over at Thanksgiving -- I would have played it with you. Flamingo Joe would have been forced to play with us, but he would have beaten us all.
