Like most kids, I loved coloring. I wasn't much of a scribbler though, I was more interested in the end product. I wanted a beautiful picture, not a mess of color.
Staying inside the lines took more time, concentration and work; while scribbling was much easier, quicker and, at times, more fun. The end product of scribbling was never anything grandeur though.

Staying inside the lines could be hard though. Sometimes there were intricate details, my hand would slip, my brother or sisters would knock my hand or move the book, I would get distracted or I was just too lazy or tired to pay attention to what I was doing. Luckily, if I messed up on a picture, I could just turn the page and have a blank slate to start all over again.
That's kind of how I see life. God has set the rules, guidelines, boundaries...whatever you want to call them...for us in the bible. He

Then God sent His son to die for our sins. So when we mess up, and go outside the lines, we can simply turn the page and start anew.