Over the weekend, I, along with the
ladies of CATB, attended the
Deeper Still conference. It was led by
Kay Arthur,
Beth Moore and
Priscilla Shirer. These 3 women have a unique way of relaying God's word in a way that not only speaks to you, but that grabs a hold of your heart and lets you feel the word of God eminating through you. By the end of the 2 days, I had been moved to tears, laughed uncontrollably and been led to go deeper still in my walk of faith.
The weekend started off Friday night, with praise and worship led by Travis Cottrell. If you've

never heard him before -- he is amazing! We sang well known traditional gospel songs as well as a few contemporary gospel hits. Travis and his team had such awesome talent and presence that even the songs that I'd never heard before felt familiar.
We also heard Kay Arthur speak on Friday night. She is clearly a women in touch with God's word. The common thread of her teaching was 'rest in faith'. She taught from the book of Hebrews and spoke of relying on the Bible in everything you do.

Bright and early Saturday, we were back for day 2. Again, the day started off with an amazing time of worship with Travis and his praise team...though this morning they had a special surprise. Beth and Priscilla came out and performed a rap. It was hilarious! For those who missed it, don't you wish you had left the hotel just a little earlier now?
Priscilla Shirer was the next to speak. She had me in hysterics! Her teaching style was funny and relateable while still incredibly thought provoking. She broke down Ephesians 3.20-21
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Her main point being that God is able! He can go beyond beyond!
We than had a break for lunch. Everyone pretty much went their seperate ways for that. Sarah was kind enough to take Beth, April and myself to her uncles local pizza joint. We ordered several different personal pans as well as some caesar salad and shared it all around. It was delicious! If I could remember the name of it, I would recommend it to anyone in Orlando.
After lunch, we re-congregated at the arena and settled in to enjoy another round of praise with

Travis and the gang, where they unveiled the 'prayer wall'. There were
glass panes set up friday night for all who attended the conference to write their prayers upon. During this worship session, they displayed the 4 panes and painted a picture of Gods hand holding a single flower over top. It was a great way of joining thousands of women together to lift up our prayers.
This was followed by the teachings of Beth Moore. This was the most anticipated speaker by our group and she did not disappoint! Her high-energy style was captivating, humorus and heart-pulling. She taught on discerning the voice of God -- how to listen to your spiritual gut.

After another rousing round of praise and worship we were then treated to a question and
answer segment. Beth, Kay and Priscilla answered questions that were submitted prior and gave real-life, biblically-based answers. Overall, the conference was an amazing, God-filled experience. I am so blessed to have been able to be in the presence of these 3 awe-inspiring women.
Over the next few blog posts, I will be giving you my take on this conference. What I took from these 3 amazing women, what I feel God is saying to me through this, and how I am being led deeper still.

The ladies of CATB who attended this awe-inspiring event.
What a great review, Lauren!! I've got goose bumps! You were able to capture some of the energy we felt there and pass it on to your readers!