Is it fear? Are you afraid that once you let your guard down, you will be left vulnerable? We are all Gods children. He is here for us. He will never leave us. He loves us, not in spite of our imperfections, but because of who He is. His love is unfailing, neverending, allencompassing. He is the only one who can love us as we need to be loved.
Maybe it's your past that gets in your way. No matter what you've done, where you've gone, how you've you strayed...God will always be there for you. Come to Him with a grateful heart, ask for his forgiveness (and mean it!) and pledge to do better. He will forgive you of your misdeeds and give you a clean slate. Every time. Jesus already paid our debt on the cross.
Maybe it's your current circumstances. I don't know where you are in your life, but there is always room for God. If you're in a dark place, seek Him. He will shine the light that will lead you out. Seeking God, devoting your life to Him, may not make you the most popular person around but it will give you a promise of life after death in Heaven with your Heavenly Prince.
Maybe it was your parents faith that is stopping you from seeking God. Growing up, I had one parent who was a Christ follower and one parent who was agnostic on some days, muslim on others, atheist on still others. That can be very confusing for a child. Luckily, my mother held strong to her beliefs and did her best in raising my siblings and me in His light. We have all been born again and have a thirst for His word. Maybe you weren't as lucky. Know that your parents are still human. They did the best they could, but they're not perfect. Learn for yourself. Read His word and decide for yourself.
Your heart is the center of your being. When you love someone, you are essentially giving them you. You give your all to a significant other, to a friend, to a child, to a family member...God asks for no less. He wants all of you...your heart, your soul and you mind. When you love Him with all your might, only then will you find true love. Make God an intimate, personal part of yourself. Let Him eminate your soul. He loves you as no human will ever be able to.
God is many things. But He is not capable of doing evil. He is not supersensitive. He is not selfish. He is not temperamental. He is a sovereign God who loves you no matter what. He sees all. He knows your heart and your motives. It is impossible to hide things from Him. It is pointless to make excuses to Him. He'll see right through you. God is not hard to please. He created you. He loves you. He notices every effort given to please Him and He delights in you.
Seek God and you will know Him. Seek God and you will feel His Holy Spirit. Seek God and accept His forgiveness. Seek God and accept His love. Seek God with all you have. Seek God and listen for His directions. Seek God by enrapturing yourself in His word. Seek God by following out His will. Seek God and let Him in all areas of your life. Seek God wholeheartedly.
When you give Him all of you, you are not keeping a piece 'just in case' something better comes along. Devotion to God is an all or nothing deal. You wouldn't date a guy who was holding out a piece of himself 'just in case' he finds someone better, and God deserves the same respect...if not more.
Seek Him with a clean heart. Let Him absolve you of your sins. Ask for His guidance in areas where you are prone to stray from His will. I have a tendency to gossip. It takes alot of restraint on my part to hold my tongue. Without Gods help my tongue would be vicious. What is your weakness? Ask God to lend you His strength.
As single women, we have more time than we will ever have again to devote to the Lord. We determine how deep our relationship with God will be. So what's more importanto to you? God or tv/internet/reading/shopping/whatever it is that dominates your time?