Friday, April 9, 2010

LIWD :: day 45 :: Single Hours

The perfect time to make the most of every opportunity is while you are single. Every believer should use time wisely as Ephesians 5:15-17 (NIV) says....

Rather than staying home worrying about another "dateless" Saturday night, realize how much valuable time has been entrusted to you at this point in your life. Rather than resent your many single hours, embrace them as a gift from God -- a package that contains opportunities to serve Him that are limited only by your own self-pity and lack of obedience.

...Countless single women stay home rather than travel alone into the unknown. They not only miss out on being encouraged by others, but also are not exposed to new relationships when they remain at home tied up by cords of fear and feeling sorry for themselves.

If a single woman allows the fearful prospect of meeting new people and new challenges to keep her at home, she may find herself bored and lonely while all the time missing many satifsfying and fulfilling experiences....

Are you busy serving Jesus during your free time, or do you waste hours trying to pursue and snag an available guy?

Rather than resent your many single hours, embrace them as a gift from God...
I wouldn't say I waste my time pursuing men...but I definitely waste it on other things! A friend mine recently wrote of what distracts him from God on his blog. You can check it out here.

I often find myself running out of time. I didn't have time to read my bible today. I wasn't able to fit in any quiet time. While I try and try to justify these excuses...and, really, that's all they are - excuses...I know that if I really wanted to, I could - and would - make time. So what's stopping me?

Am I afraid of where God may lead me? Am I afraid He may want me to break off certain relationships? Am I afraid He may want to break me of certain habits? Do I not want to grow closer to my Savior? Is facebook really more intriguing than my all-encompassing God?

Deep down I know that God is the most important part of my being...or at least He should be. When I put other things over Him (work, friends, boyfriend, facebook, laziness...etc), I am submitting myself to idolatry. I can say all that I like that I don't idolize my laptop...but what gets more of my time? God or my beloved dell? Sad to say it's the dell.

This is really something I need to work on. And it's hard. Shut down the computer. Turn off the tv. Open my bible. Focus on God. Much easier said than done. But I do long for a deeper relationship with my Savior. So as hard as it may much will power as it may take...I will put my God before my electronics...and everything else in my life. How about you?

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