Thursday, April 15, 2010

LIWD :: day 50 :: Devotion

...It is hard enough for a single woman to keep her focus where it should be without friends making insensitive comments [about not being married]. How much better it would be for the Lady in Waiting if she were encouraged to pursue her undistracted devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ, instead of being made to feel like she does not quite measure up....

Much too often people view a single woman as though she should be pitied rather than envied. Nothing could be further from the truth. A Lady in Waiting has the advantage of being able to develop her love relationship with Christ without the distraction that a husband or family inherently bring to one's heart.

This has been God's plan from the beginning. He tenderly created woman to love Him and to experience the blessedness of fellowship with Him. In those first days, Eve communed with God in indescribable fellowship and oneness. When God came to walk in the cool of the day, there was no fear; only love. Eve had only positive feelings about God. She loved Him and knew He loved her. She enjoyed Him and devoted herself totally to His pleasure.

A Lady in Waiting has the advantage of being able to develop her love relationship with Christ without the distraction...
It's easy enough to say that God is the center of my universe...but do my life choices actually reflect that? How often do I choose facebook over God? Or tv? Or going out with friends? Or scrapbooking? Or work? Or whatever it is that seems to occupy my time?

I find it hard now to spend time daily with my much harder will it be when I have a husband? And then, even more so, once I have children?

As a single woman, I am blessed with an abundance of free time. Even if I don't always feel that way, it is absolutely true. Too often, I am too tired or too busy or, just plain, too lazy to make time for God.

Doing this devotional has definitely helped me to make more time for God. But it's not enough. I need to be daily in my bible. I need to have daily heart-to-hearts with my Creator.

I long to have a more intimate relationship with my Jesus. It's up to me to make it that way. He's already there, arms open, waiting for me to come to Him. All I have to do is make the room in my life. I think I can make God my number one priority...can you?

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