Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the start of lent. This year, I will be abstaining from video games.  This may not seem like a great feat, but, trust me, it will be.  It's only been one day so far and my fingers are itching.

I play video games on my blackberry when I'm at work, or waiting for someone or something...or basically anytime my phone is in my hand.  I play Wii when I should be cleaning, or working-out, or sleeping.  I play The Sims when I watch tv...and when I'm not on the Wii.  Video games occupy an absurd amount of my time.

I will also be fasting once a week, as I have done for the last 12 years.  It always amazes me how much stronger my prayers feel, how much closer to God I feel, when I fast.

I pray this season of lent deepens and strengthens my relationship with God.  That it renews a sense of dependency on Him deep within me and lessens my need for material things.

What are you giving up this year?

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