Thursday, February 18, 2010

LIWD :: day 2 :: Journey Away From Rituals

Ruth moved from a false religion into the only true and eternal relationship. Too many women have been involved in a form of religious worship, but have never had a vital, growing relationship with Jesus...Has your faith been a lifeless ritual rather than a vital love relationship with Jesus? Why not spend some of your free hours as a single woman beginning a journey away from rituals into a deep relationship with Jesus Christ?

One single woman expressed this vital relationship with Jesus in the following way: "I desired that my relationship with the Lord be an adventure. One where I would find out what pleased Him and then do it, devoting as much energy to Jesus as I would in a relationship with a boyfriend. I am falling more in love with Jesus every day." Do you know more about pleasing a boyfriend than you do about pleasing the Lord Jesus?

Has your faith been a lifeless ritual rather than a vital love relationship with Jesus?

Todays devotional sure hit hard! How much more time do I spend on making my earthly relationships work than on perfecting my relationship with the one and only true King? Before this study, it never even occured to me that I might be placing more importance on a boyfriend than I did on my Lord and Savior.

Way too often we just go through life...going through the motions, without much regard to how or why we're doing it. It's just what we do. We get up. We shower. We eat breakfast. We go to work. We come home. Maybe we workout. Maybe we meet up with a friend. Maybe we watch some tv. Maybe we clean the house. Maybe we blog. Maybe we spend some time with God. We eat dinner. We go to sleep. And it starts all over again.

Are you just going through the motions? Are you taking the little things for granted? I know I've been guilty of that...probably more often than not. When was the last time you thanked God for the roof over your head? For the shoes on your feet? For the job you hate so much but pays the bills? For the food in your fridge? For your healthy body? For the air you breathe? For your free will? Hard to remember, isn't it?

I've been a believer for as long as I can remember. I accepted Jesus as my savior at a young age. I really can't remember ever not being a christian. What I wasn't, was a follower of Christ. I believed He is the son of God. I believed He died to wash away my sins. I believed everything I believe now. But I didn't allow Him in my life. He was reserved for sundays and for when I was with my church friends. He didn't belong at school, or work, or when I was out, or even when I was at home. That has since changed. I want Him in EVERY aspect of my life. He cared enough to make me, to die for me, I can care enough to let Him in. That's not to say, I don't struggle. I often find myself going astray. It's work. But it's work I'm willing to do. Are you?

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