Tuesday, February 23, 2010

LIWD :: day 6 :: Life on Hold

Some singles see the lack of a mate as God denying them something for a more "noble purpose" -- a cross to bear!  Our selfish nature tends to focus on what we do not have rather than on what we do have -- free time -- that can be used for others and ourselves.  Is your life on hold until you have someone to hold?

...Have you experienced...a crushing emotional blow?... Psalm 34.18 says, "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit." [A] brokenhearted woman had put her life on hold after her husband divorced her.  Such a response in understandable, but...this now single woman decided to take her broken heart, her empty arms, and her loneliness and give them to Jesus.  In exchange, Jesus taught her how to resist feeling sorry for herself and how to stop living in the arena of bitterness.  After she made the choice of recklessly abandoning herself to Jesus as Lord, she was free to serve Him.  This once brokenhearted single woman has been transformed into a fearless servant of the Lord....

Have you also put your life on hold?  Do you have an excuse for not serving Jesus?

Is your life on hold until you have someone to hold?

While God may very well be keeping me single for a purpose, I am certain that purpose is not to laze around my house. He may never intend for me to be married, if I don't use this time for a higher purpose I am ignoring His will. I may often forget that the world does not revolve around me, falling into a tailspin of self-pity when things don't go my way. The world is so much bigger than just me. I am such an insignificant part, or at least I am when I'm not doing His will.

While I may not always know exactly where God wants me...or why...I do know He doesn't want me neglecting the needs of others. What gifts do you have? Are you using them to honor God? To spread the good news? You're wasting them if you're not. It's so easy to fall off of Gods path. To take the easy way out. To take a day off from doing His will. But how great is the feeling of fulfilling His will? How accomplished do you feel when you help to bring someone to Christ?

Don't sit around waiting for when (if) God brings you a mate. Take this time to grow in Christ, discover your gifts and use them to spread His love. Putting your life on hold won't make you an ideal mate for anyone else.

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