Friday, March 19, 2010

LIWD :: day 27 :: Biblical Dating Standards

What is a Bozo? A Bozo is a guy whose outward appearance is a facade. It is hard to discern who he really is becasue of the "makeup and costume" he wears. What he appears to be physically, socially, and even spiritually is just a performance. A Bozo is acounterfeit of a Boaz.

It is possible to avoid such a clown. Your standards and convictions will help you recognize the difference....

...As a prerequisite to every date, you should examine your motive.... Some women even give up their bibilical convictions in order to get a date with a certain guy.

Have you dated more Bozos than Boazs? If your answer is yes, you may need to develop higher ideals. A very attractive and popular high school girl was challenged to develop a list of biblical dating standards and to put them into proactice. She carried a copy of these standards in her wallet for five years. Thus she dated more Boazs then Bozos becasue her convictions helped her clearly see the type of guys with whom she was relating and ultimately dating. Do you carry God's standards for dating in your heart as well as in your wallet?

Some women even give up their biblical conviction in order to get a date with a certain guy.

I was always a believer in the Princess and the Frog and in Beauty and the Beast. Sure, he may have a bad rep...but that's only because he hasn't met the girl who can change him yet! What a joke. While this may sometimes be the is definitely the exception to the rule. Only God can change someones heart. Don't fool yourself into thinking you can change someone. If they want to change, they'll change. Nothing you can do, no matter how much you love them, will affect that.

You are only in control of your own actions. You control how you are perceived. You control the kind of person you are and will be. Hold yourself to a high standard. You are the company you keep. If the last few guys you've dated have all been heavy drinkers, or have all talked down to you, or whatever their downfall may be...the problem doesn't lie with lies with you. Yes, they have downfalls they need to work on, but that's their deal. You picked these guys. You chose to be with them.

If you're noticing an unappealing trend in your dates, change it. Make a list. Decide what you want in a man, what you want out of a relationship, what your deal breakers are. Write it down. Refer to it often. Adhere to it. Don't bend your convictions because he's just so hot! Or he has such a great job! Or he gives me butterflies! In the end you'll be resentful that you bent.

If he was disrespectful on your first you or to anyone else...he'll be disrespectful on your 50th. If he was cheap on your first date...he'll be cheap on your first wedding anniversary. If he had the mouth of a sailor while you were dating...he'll have the same vocabulary around your children. You can't change someone, but you can pick who you choose to be with.

Ask God to guide your heart and make that list. You'll be glad you did.

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