Thursday, March 25, 2010

LIWD :: day 32 :: Waiting Periods

...Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may assured that God has not lost your address or your file.  He knows exactly where you are and what you need....

You make the most important decison in life, giving your life to Jesus Christ, "by faith."  The second most important decision concerns your life-mate.  This decison also demands the element of faith.  Waiting for one's life-mate and then saying "I do" to him demands secure faith, like Ruth's faith in the God of Israel.

...Your faith during the "waiting period" pleases God. 

Don't fear or resent the waiting periods in your life.  These are the very gardens where the seeds of faith blossom....

This intruding anxiety about your lack of a life-mate is not reality but rather a weakness that the Greater Reality is capable of handling.  Just go to Jesus as soon as the intruder arrives.  Such a practice will only enhance your life as a Lady of Faith.  Many single women have not recognized the trying, frustrating waiting period is the perfect classroom for the Lady of Faith.  Don't skip class!  Embrace those dateless nights and, by faith, rest in His faithfulness.

Your faith during the "waiting period" pleases God. 

My friend Michael recently wrote a blog post -  ...and Then God Showed Up.  He talks of how people claim God 'suddenly' show up in their if He hadn't been there all along.  God never leaves us.  He is there always.  We may not always be able to see, hear or feel Him...but He's there. 

Sometimes God chooses to silent.  Sometimes He chooses to get in our faces.  Sometimes He clears a path for us.  Sometimes He wants us to fight our own way through.  But He is always there and He always has a plan.  Our only job is to trust in His plans and His timing.

When we use these times, where we maybe don't know what He has in store for us, to honor Him and enrich our lives rather than sit around pining for what we don't have, we will live a full life.  No man is going to want a woman who has done nothing with her singleness...a woman who has no substance, no depth.

Use your singleness to grow closer to God.  Use the time you would be using to serve your husband, to serve God.  Once you have children and a family to care for you will find it increasingly difficult to find alone or quiet time.  If you use this time to build a solid foundation with God, it will be that much easier to keep up your relationship as your life gets busier and more hectic.

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