Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LIWD :: day 30 :: Marriage is Not a Dream

Realizing that marriage is not a dream but real life can also help you to wait patiently.  Instead of merely being envious, get with a godly woman and see the extra load she carries.  Look at all she cannot do, instead of the fact that she has a man in her house.  Understand that in reality, married life is not constant communication, daily roses, hugs and kisses, breakfast in bed, and sheer bliss.  Marriage is every bit as much work as it is wonderful, even in God's way and time.  It is good, but don't be deceived into mistaking it for Heaven.

Since no spouse is perfect, learning to live "as one" is not without its tears.  Marriage alone is not a cure-all or answer to every heartfelt need.  If you think it is, you had better just keep waiting, for that kind of marriage doesn't exist.  Although there is a romantic inside every one of us, you must be realistic regarding marriage or the shock could be devastating.


Developing patience is hard.  Getting married ahead of God's timing is worse.  God may not work according to your time schedule, but He does have your best interests in mind.

Although there is a romantic inside every one of us, you must be realistic regarding marriage or the shock could be devastating.

Who wouldn't want a picture perfect marriage?  Love makes everything easier...right??  If you've ever been in a relationship, you know it takes work.  You have to respect one another.  You have to compromise.  You have to learn to pick your battles.  Marriage is no exception.

I don't think I'd want a 'perfect' marriage.  I'd be bored.  I don't want someone who just agrees with everything I say.  I need a little diversity.  I know my ideas aren't always great.  I need someone to give me another view.  I don't want a copy of me.  I want someone who compliments me. 

I don't believe love fixes everything.  I do believe that love gives you the motivation to work at something.  That's all I want....a love that's worth working at.

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