Friday, March 26, 2010

LIWD :: day 33 :: Cleanup Time

If you are to know God intimately, then you must seek Him, not only with a whole heart, but also a clean heart.  When you think of the word bride, you probably first imagine a beautiful, clean, pure woman in white.  No grime or dirt mars the image of purity.  As a Christian you are part of the Bride of Christ.  Any grime or dirt of sin will mar your image before Him. 

The Lord's fiance must have a clean heart.  You must clean up any blot of sin that may arise between you and your heavenly Sweetheart. disgusting to Him; He will not abide with it.  Picture a couple deeply in love.  He loves to be near her -- so near he can breathe the fresh aroma of her sweet breath!...  What do you think she does before she sees him if she has eaten onions?...  Not only does she brush, but she also "Scopes, Close-ups, and Gleems."  She doesn't want to offend her love!...  Sin is far more repulsive to God than even onion breath....  If you want your devotion to God to be complete, don't merely brush at sin lightly.  Get in there and confess it, clean it up, and clear it out.

If you want your devotion to God to be complete, don't merely brush at sin lightly.

Everyone has an achilles heel.  A great temptation.  A repeating sin.  It may be drugs, alcohol, sex, lying, anger, stealing...whatever.  It may be something you downplay.  It may be something that you can't hide.  It is often caused by an underlying issue.  So how do we stop?

How do we resist these temptations in our lives?  How do we stop doing something that has become so habitual to us?  The answer is we can't.  At least not on our own.  That's why we need to call on Jesus.  We need to ask for His help in delving into our hearts, our souls, our minds...and clearing out our sin.

As humans, we find it hard to forgive.  It's a great effort for us.  When someone wrongs us, we want to hold a grudge.  We want them to pay for any hurt they may have caused us.  Luckily, God is not that way.  He created us.  He knows us...whether or not we want Him to.  He forgives us no matter what we do.  All he asks is that we come to Him.  He wants us to fall on our knees before Him and whole-heartedly ask for His forgiveness.  He wants to help us.  He wants to make us pure.  All we have to do is ask.

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