Monday, December 13, 2010

=) 11

Day 11 - a story of something that made you happy today

Hmmm...this may be a toughie.  Today wasn't necessarily a bad day...but not a great one either.  It was just...a day.

My houseguests went back to NY - bittersweet.  I enjoy having my house to myself but it was a super short visit and I really don't feel like I got to spend any time with Cassie.  I went to work - lackluster.  As much as I love my career, I really really REALLY don't like my job.  It was freezing today and ridiculously windy  - annoyed.  I do not enjoy being cold.  I came home and took a nap - tired.  A power nap just didn't energize the way I had hoped it would.  Watched TV and worked on Masons (my nephew) chrisrmas present - frustrated.  Apparently I need a new iron to do the next step.  And now, I am laying in bed trying to come up with something for this blog.

On the other hand, I worked on one of my favorite clients today.  She always brightens my mood.  I also did a hot stone - my favorite modality to do - and that client was such a delight.  He had such a positive disposition and we had a great talk throughout the massage.  I worked on Masons christmas gift - I know, I listed that already, but I can't wait to finish it and see my sister use it.

So that was pretty much my day today.  Not great, not bad.  Nothing to complain about.  No particular stories that made me happy.  Maybe I'll revisit this blog topic another day.  What made you happy today?

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