Monday, December 20, 2010

=) 18

Day 18 - something on your dash that makes you happy

Ummm...I don't really know what this means.  I think it may be referring to something on tumblr, since that's where I ' borrowed' this 30 days of Happiness from.  BUT, I don't use tumblr...I use blogger...and my blogger dashboard just has a list of the blogs I follow...all of which make me happy...that's why I follow them!  So I could use today to plug all the blogs I follow...although, there is a day coming up where that is precisely what is asked of me.  So, instead, I will write about something on my homepage that makes me happy!

I use igoogle as my homepage.  I have a daily bible verse on there...which is really just random bible verses because anytime you go back to the page or refresh it, it's a new verse.  Anyways, the bible verse it's displaying right now is Proverbs 10.9 - The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.

How true is that?  When you are living righteously, walking in Gods light, doing what you know in your heart is just and right, you are able to hold your head up high and walk proudly.  But when you are going against Gods will for you and you are doing things you know you shouldn't be, or are purposefully going down the wrong path, you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and tend to try to hide in the shadows.  I know that doing Gods will is not always the popular route and, more often than not, it's the road less traveled...but knowing that God is on your side is an exemplary feeling!  You couldn't have a better provider, a better protector, a better friend!  If God is for you, than what could ever stop you? 

Our God is an awesome God.  So long as you stay on His path, you can walk securely with your head held high.  That notion definitely makes me happy, how about you?

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